Benefits and Percs

Benefits and Percs

Health Insurance With Care - Simplified

Choose a service to schedule


FIRST TIME Employer Appointment
Melanie may meet you at your office or virtually by phone. If it is a virtual appointment she will call you at the time you requested. Please note our cancellation policy.
FIRST TIME Employer Appointment (30 minutes)
Melanie may meet you at your office or virtually by phone. If it is a virtual appointment she will call you at the time you requested. Please note our cancellation policy.
Employer Follow-up Meeting (45 mins)
Evaluating your benefit needs for you and your company. Melanie may meet you at your office or virtually by phone. If it is a virtual appointment she will call you at the time you requested. Please note our cancellation policy.
Employer Proposal Meeting (1 hour)
Discuss the proposal of health plans and benefits. Melanie may meet you at your office or virtually by phone. If it is a virtual appointment she will call you at the time you requested. Please note our cancellation policy.
Employee Enrollment Meeting (90 mins)
Melanie may meet you at your office or virtually by phone. If it is a virtual appointment she will call you at the time you requested. Please note our cancellation policy.
Employer Paperwork (45 minutes)
To establish a new group plan we will review the documents with you and then send them to your health plan provider. Melanie may meet you at your office or virtually by phone. If it is a virtual appointment she will call you at the time you requested. Please note our cancellation policy.
Employer Follow-up and Support (15 mins)
Melanie may meet you at your office or virtually by phone. If it is a virtual appointment she will call you at the time you requested. Please note our cancellation policy.
Employer Meeting (15 mins)
Melanie may meet you at your office or virtually by phone. If it is a virtual appointment she will call you at the time you requested. Please note our cancellation policy.
Employee Follow-up and Support (15 mins)
Melanie may meet you at your office or virtually by phone. If it is a virtual appointment she will call you at the time you requested. Please note our cancellation policy.


FIRST TIME Individual Appointment (15 mins)
For new clients (individual) via telephone. Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Individual Questionnaire Review for 1 Applicant (20 mins)
Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka know as the "BPQ Review". Please be kind to others by giving a minimum of 24 hours notice if you must cancel.
FIRST TIME Individual C4H Application or Update (1 hour)
For new clients (individual) via telephone. Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Individual Proposal Review and Order New Insurance Health Plan for 1 Applicant (1 hour)
To go over your proposal of options and prices via telephone. Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Individual Consultation Per Person (15 mins) - $120
For special circumstances and in-depth assistance with health-related requests. Complimentary for your first 15 minutes. Thereafter, assistance pro-rated at $120 per hour. Melanie will call you. SERVICES INCLUDE COBRA PLAN ANALYSIS, EMPLOYER GROUP PLAN ANALYSIS, MEDICARE VS EMPLOYER GROUP ANALYSIS, TECHNICAL INSURANCE INFORMATION,
FIRST TIME Individual Follow-up Questions (10 mins)
Appointment via telephone. Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Individual Insurance Issues Regarding Claims (10 mins)
FIRST TIME Individual issues with claims or billing via telephone. Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.


CURRENT Client BPQ Review: 1 Applicant (15 mins)
Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka known as the "BPQ Review". Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka known as the "BPQ Review". Melanie will call you. *Please be kind to others by giving a MINIMUM of 24 hours notice if you need to cancel and reschedule during enrollment season (November 1st thru January 10, 2021). Thank you!
CURRENT Individual C4H Application or Update
CURRENT Client Proposal Review and Order New Health Insurance Plan for 1 Applicant (45 mins)
To answer any questions regarding your proposal options and then to order your new health plan. Melanie will call you.
CURRENT Client Consultation
For special circumstances and in-depth assistance with health-related requests. Complimentary for your first 15 minutes. Thereafter, assistance pro-rated at $120 per hour. Melanie will call you.
CURRENT Client Follow-up Questions (10 mins)
Melanie will call you.
CURRENT Client Insurance Issues Claims (10 mins)
Current Client issues with claims or billing. Melanie will call you.


FIRST TIME Appointment for a Couple (25 mins)
For new clients (couples) via telephone. Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME BPQ Review: 2 Applicants (40 mins)
Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka known as the "BPQ Review". Melanie will call you. Please be kind to others by giving a MINIMUM of 24 hours notice if you need to cancel and reschedule during enrollment season (November 1st thru January 10, 2021). Thank you!
FIRST TIME Couples C4H Application or Update
Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Proposal Review and Order Health Plan: 2 Applicants (90 mins)
To answer any questions regarding your proposal options and then to order your new health plan. Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Consultation Per Person (15 mins) - $120
For special circumstances and in-depth assistance with health-related requests. Complimentary for your first 15 minutes. Thereafter, assistance pro-rated at $120 per hour. Melanie will call you. SERVICES INCLUDE COBRA PLAN ANALYSIS, EMPLOYER GROUP PLAN ANALYSIS, MEDICARE VS EMPLOYER GROUP ANALYSIS, TECHNICAL INSURANCE INFORMATION,
FIRST TIME Couple Follow-up Questions (10 mins)
Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Insurance Issues Regarding Claims for a Couple (10 mins)
NEW Client issues with claims or billing. Melanie will call you.


CURRENT Client BPQ Review: 2 Applicants (20 mins)
Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka known as the "BPQ Review". Melanie will call you. Please be kind to others by giving a MINIMUM of 24 hours notice if you need to cancel and reschedule during enrollment season (November 1st thru January 10, 2021). Thank you!
CURRENT Couples C4H Application or Update
Melanie will call you.
CURRENT Client Proposal Review and Order Health Plan: 2 Applicants (75 mins)
To answer any questions regarding your proposal options and then to order your new health plan via telephone. Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.
CURRENT CLIENT Consultation Per Person (15 mins) - $120
For special circumstances and in-depth assistance with health-related requests. Complimentary for your first 15 minutes. Thereafter, assistance pro-rated at $120 per hour. Melanie will call you. SERVICES INCLUDE COBRA PLAN ANALYSIS, EMPLOYER GROUP PLAN ANALYSIS, MEDICARE VS EMPLOYER GROUP ANALYSIS, TECHNICAL INSURANCE INFORMATION,
CURRENT Couple Follow-up Questions (10 mins)
Melanie will call you.
CURRENT Client Insurance Issues Regarding Claims for a Couple (10 mins)
Current Client issues with claims or billing. Melanie will call you.


FIRST TIME Appointment for a Family (30 mins)
For new clients (families) via telephone. Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Family BPQ Review: 2 Applicants (60 mins)
Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka known as the "BPQ Review". Melanie will call you. Please be kind to others by giving a MINIMUM of 24 hours notice if you need to cancel and reschedule during enrollment season (November 1st thru January 10, 2021). Thank you!
FIRST TIME Family BPQ Review: 3-4 Applicants (75 mins)
Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka known as the "BPQ Review". Melanie will call you. Please be kind to others by giving a MINIMUM of 24 hours notice if you need to cancel and reschedule during enrollment season (November 1st thru January 10, 2021). Thank you!
FIRST TIME FAMILY C4H Application or Update
Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Family Proposal Review and Order Health Plan: 2 Applicants (60 mins)
To answer any questions regarding your proposal options and then to order your new health plan. Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Family Proposal Review and Order Health Plan: 3-4 Applicants (90 mins)
To answer any questions regarding your proposal options and then to order your new health plan. Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Family Consultation Per Adult (15 mins) - $120
For special circumstances and in-depth assistance with health-related requests. Complimentary for your first 15 minutes. Thereafter, assistance pro-rated at $120 per hour. Melanie will call you. SERVICES INCLUDE COBRA PLAN ANALYSIS, EMPLOYER GROUP PLAN ANALYSIS, MEDICARE VS EMPLOYER GROUP ANALYSIS, TECHNICAL INSURANCE INFORMATION,
FIRST TIME Family Follow-up Questions (10 mins)
Melanie will call you.
FIRST TIME Family Insurance Issues Regarding Claims for a Family (10 mins)
NEW Client issues with claims or billing. Melanie will call you.


CURRENT Client Family BPQ Review: 2 Applicants (20 mins)
Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka known as the "BPQ Review". Melanie will call you. Please be kind to others by giving a MINIMUM of 24 hours notice if you need to cancel and reschedule during enrollment season (November 1st thru January 10, 2021). Thank you!
CURRENT Client Family C4H Application or Update
Melanie will call you.
CURRENT Client Family Proposal Review and Order Health Plan: 2 Applicants (75 mins)
To answer any questions regarding your proposal options and then to order your new health plan. Melanie will call you.
CURRENT Client Family Consultation Per Person (15 mins) - $120
For special circumstances and in-depth assistance with health-related requests. Complimentary for your first 15 minutes. Thereafter, assistance pro-rated at $120 per hour. Melanie will call you. SERVICES INCLUDE COBRA PLAN ANALYSIS, EMPLOYER GROUP PLAN ANALYSIS, MEDICARE VS EMPLOYER GROUP ANALYSIS, TECHNICAL INSURANCE INFORMATION,
CURRENT Client Family Follow-up Questions (10 mins)
Melanie will call you.
CURRENT Client Insurance Issues Regarding Claims for a Family (10 mins)
Current Client issues with claims or billing. Melanie will call you.
CURRENT Client Family BPQ Review: 3-4 Applicants (40 mins)
Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka known as the "BPQ Review". Melanie will call you. Please be kind to others by giving a MINIMUM of 24 hours notice if you need to cancel and reschedule during enrollment season (November 1st thru January 10, 2021). Thank you!
CURRENT Client Family Proposal Review and Order Health Plan: 3-4 Applicants (90 mins)
To answer any questions regarding your proposal options and then to order your new health plan. Melanie will call you.


FIRST TIME Client Appointment (15 mins)
For new clients via telephone. Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.
Medicare 101 (40 mins)
Understanding Medicare via telephone. Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.
Questionnaire Review with Applicant (30 mins)
Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka know as the "BPQ Review". Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.
Medicare Supplement/Medigap Proposal Review (60 minutes)
To go over your proposal of options and prices. Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.
Purchase a Medicare Supplement/Medigap Plan (1 hour)
You already have Medicare Part A & B and need a Supplement Plan (aka GAP Plan). Please note our cancellation policy.
Medicare Follow-up and Support (15 mins)
Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.


CURRENT Client Appointment (15 mins)
For current clients via telephone. Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.
Questionnaire Review with Applicant (20 mins)
Discuss your completed B & P Health Insurance questionnaire aka know as the "BPQ Review". Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.
Medicare Supplement/Medigap Proposal Review (60 minutes)
To go over your proposal of options and prices. Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.
Purchase a Medicare Supplement/Medigap Plan (1 hour)
You already have Medicare Part A & B and need a Supplement Plan (aka GAP Plan). Please note our cancellation policy.
CURRENT Medicare Follow-up Questions (15 mins)
Melanie will call you. Please note our cancellation policy.


Webinar - online meeting
Any description?????
Employer Out of office meeting
Any description?????
Carrier out of office meeting
What description do you want??
Teams meeting
Any description?????


Services include Cobra plan analysis, employer group plan analysis, Medicare vs employer group analysis, technical insurance information. Melanie will call you.


Current 1099 Work
Melanie will call you.


Melanie will call you.


Some service ???
Listed on your document but no information ?????


Regarding appointments
ALL appointments are virtual from the comfort of your home or office
via telephone. Melanie will call you at your scheduled time.
We require a 24 hour in advance cancellation notice
or there will be a $25 cancellation fee.
You may cancel your
appointment by going back to our Website and cancelling your scheduled
appointment time. This also allows you and others to take advantage of
cancellations as they occur since enrollment time frames are limited.
Our deadline for Medicare clients is December 4th to order a new Medicare
Plan which will be effective January 1st.

Our deadline for individuals, couples, or families to order a new health plan for a January 1st effective date is December 10th. Colorado allows residents under 65 years to start a new health on February 1st. However, this will mean you will NOT HAVE COVERAGE for the month of January 2021. The deadline for a February 1st start date is January 10th, 2021.

Employer group plans may be ordered all year round with deadlines on the 22nd of each month which will have an effective date on the 1st of the following month.

Sorry there are no exceptions due to state and federal laws

Contact Us

(303) 758-1442